I have been giving my laundry room a much-needed DIY makeover these past few weeks and, friends, it's time for the big reveal!
I have been giving my laundry room a much-needed DIY makeover these past few weeks and, friends, it's time for the big reveal!
One of the most frequently asked questions I get on a regular basis is how to paint kitchen cabinets, More so, how to prep them so the paint will last! Im currently working on a LAUNDRY ROOM MAKEOVER and this will be the 3rd time I have tackled painting cabinets. Each time I have tweaked my method slightly to figure out which one I like the best. And[...]
After nearly 4 years of living in our home, its time to tackle a space that has been driving me bananas since day 1 -- lets talk about the laundry room makeover plans! This space is about 80% functional for us with a laundry chute, two dryers, cubbies for sorting, and adequate hanging space. But it's definitely lacking additional storage and my pers[...]
INCLUDING MY FAVORITE RETAILERS FOR BUDGET FRIENDLY CHANDELIERS. PLUS, HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT SIZE CHANDELIER FOR YOUR ROOM, AND THE CHANDELIER I CHOSE FOR THE HEARTH ROOM REFRESH. Last week I accidently cleared out the hearth room in my home and its time to slowly pull it back together. What originally started as letting go of a few things to brin[...]
The sun is shining, spring is here and I have FINALLY jumped out of my winter slump. Check out this month's life update and favorite things!
DIY Open Shelving is easier than you think. Create this simple look at home with minimal tools and just a few hours of hands-on work.
The Arizona Kitchen has gone through quite the transformation since we first bought the house back in late August 2021. These updates have been purely cosmetic and will remain that way until we are able to fully renovate the space in a few years. This past week I decided to take a little "mommy-cation" and jet away to our home away from home to do a few proj[...]
This month I finally started to find my groove again with design, content creation, and all the things. Ironically, February also brought my kids a record number of school cancellations turned e-learning days, and an equal number of 2-hour delays. My YEAR OF LESS mentality wants me to be calm and cool about it. But in full transparency, I just want to rip m[...]
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Have scrap wood laying around? Try these woodworking plans for a DIY Storage Caddy with just a few hours of time and in 5 easy steps.