A question I get on a regular basis is how I have such an organized life. My best answer? Consistency over time. Keep reading to learn the many small tactics I have implemented to stay on track.
I have so many ideas to help you get started on your organizing journey. However, I also find value in asking others what they do to stay organized as well. So the other week I did just that!
In fact, there were SO many ideas that I decided I needed to break it down into 2 separate posts instead of just one.
No matter if you are a seasoned organizer or a little hesitant to start, this series will definitely give you the push to try something new.

HOW to have an ORGANIZEd life?
One of the biggest dilemmas that people face when it comes to organizing is figuring out where to begin.
Because let’s face it, organizing is tedious and overwhelming!!
How in the world do we figure out what stays and what goes?
The tips that you all shared with me ended up fitting into 3 primary categories: Mindset, Tradeoffs, and Techniques. In PART 1 of this series, we broke down the mindset category. If you missed it I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you click back and check it out before diving into this post.
Today I’m breaking down the TRADEOFF AND TECHNIQUES categories, then sharing your ideas!
The goal isn’t to try ALL of these ideas but to find one or two specific things that resonate with you and then give them a try!
I definitely see something on this list that I’m going to try this month for the first time. I would love for you to read the ideas below and then share your favorite in the comment section of this post!
Related: 7 Home Organizing Mistakes You are Making Right Now
using tradeoffs to stay organized
Sometimes purging and organizing isn’t about getting rid of ALL of the things, but more about condensing them to make them better/more attainable. This is what I like to refer to as an organizing tradeoff!
.Giving up something, but also getting something in return. Here are some of the ideas you shared with me.
- Turn memory or sentimental shirts into a quilt. You will trade the piles/bins for one beautiful thing in return.
- Choose one small thing a day to declutter or organize. That way it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
- Take photos of kids’ drawings/cards to remember them instead of saving them all. Keep them in organized photo folders on your phone or computer. A digital memory without the physical clutter!
- “When buying something new, get rid of something similar.”
- “If one thing comes into my closet, two things have to go out.”
Related: How to build a slat wall shoe shelf in 5 simple steps
Purging & Organizing is definitely not a one-size-fits-all. Different methods work for different people. Below are some of the techniques that you all shared with me.
Is there something on the list that looks appealing to you? How about something you haven’t tried yet but want to? I’m definitely going to give the closet hanger trick a try!
Leave a comment on this post and let me know what resonates with you.
techniques for purging
- Create 3 piles when you purge a space. A pile to keep. A pile to sell/donate. A pile of trash.
- Have a designated donation ‘spot” in your house. Place a bin and when it fills up immediately take it to donate.
- Turn your closet hangers around backward. When you wear an item flip the hanger around the correct way. Any items left backward after a year or a season goes directly to the donation pile.
- Keep a bin in each kids closet to collect items they have outgrown.
- Put things on Facebook Marketplace to sell. If it isn’t gone after a week you have to get rid of it, (or store it in a future yard sale pile)
- Go through kids toys twice a year. Sell/donate what they have outgrown.
- If your kids are older, have them help you purge to teach good habits. Let them choose items to sell then let them use the money they make for something fun! Like a family activity or a new outfit. Alternatively, if you prefer to just donate items, tell your kids you will pay them X amount (say 0.25-$1) for you to “buy” the items they choose to purge.
Techniques for a more organized life
- When I organize a space I like to start at the top and work my way down to the floor.
- Sit down and name the 5 spaces that need the most work. Prioritize that list. Work only from that list until completion. Then make a new list! (NOTE: start with 5 super small spaces to make yourself feel accomplished from the start)
- Set a timer for say 20-30 minutes. Work like a mad person until the timer goes off then take a break.
- Take photos of kids artwork or school papers with Adobe Scan. Upload them to a photo site then make them into a memory book.
- Unsubscribe from 10 junk email lists per day.
- Go to the photo folder on your phone and search for todays date (as in Feb 19). It will show all photos taken from that day in all previous years. Delete and reorganize into folders as needed. Repeat on the following day!
- Clear things out by items instead of spaces. Example: Go through all of the sheets, purge what’s old then organize them into one space instead of having them all over.
- Label. Everything. That is all.
- Break large areas down into super small steps to make it more manageable.
- Organize by color. It’s WAY easier to find things that way. (Think board games, clothes, DVD.s etc.)