The Week I Wanted To Die – Jeffrey Court Week 5
Welcome to Week 5 of the Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge!
This week officially feels like hell week in college. Except my body hurts more and I’m missing the care package from my mom.
I digress.
One week from today is the reveal of the Basement Bar and while the end is near, there will be some long nights to get there.
I hope you are ready with coffee in hand!

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It’s Week 5 of the JEFFREY COURT RENOVATION CHALLENGE sponsored by FROGTAPE & SINKOLOGY. All opinions are my own.
In this competition I am one of 12 design finalists chosen to renovate a space in our home in just 6 weeks!
If you missed previous weeks and need to catch up, head to the WEEK 1, WEEK 2, WEEK 3 and WEEK 4 blog posts to read all about it!
don’t forget to vote!!
The winner of this competition is chosen by votes and I need your help!! You can vote once every 24 hours from every device you own!
You can also be reminded to vote by joining the VOTE FOR HAUTE TEXT CLUB!!
Simply text VOTE to 877-649-0816
The voting link will be sent to your phone every morning until 5/16/21.
Jeffrey Court Week 5 – The Grunt Work
This past week felt incredibly tedious. The grunt work, if you will.
After my girl, Emily, left to go back home I was left with lots of remaining tile work and all of the grouting and clean up work.
I’ll be honest. I avoided it for a few days.
But by the third day of avoiding I knew I needed to get a move on.
Grouting the back wall took the good part of two days. Four hours here. Two hours there. Inevitable trips to the hardware store for more supplies.
Two days later my TILE SAW arrived (I ordered one after realizing Em and I weren’t going to finish) and I was able to finish the Island and complete the nook.
Grouting. De-hazing. Grouting. De-hazing.
Are you bored yet? I sure was!
But the result was incredible!
Fresh out of something from Ralph Lauren.
My knees hurt. But I was pleased.
Once the tiling was finally complete I was able to start on some of the finer details of the project.
My husband called our contractor and he so kindly offered a few hours to help with installing drawer pulls and cutting down my butcher block countertop.
All things I was perfectly capable off, but with time on the line this was my husbands way of offering help. And I definitely didn’t say no to an extra set of hands!
In the mean time I was able to start cutting down trim pieces and angles shelves for the wine nook and building long hanging shelves for the open area on the main wall.
Tedious work, but more enjoyable for my creative mind.
I can’t believe that one week from today I will be revealing this space to you! There is so much left to do but I have full confidence that I will be able to pull it off.
Im good under pressure.
This week’s to do’s:
- Finish building the WINE BAR
- Hang Suspended shelving
- Install new light fixtures, faucet & sink.
- Re-install appliances
- If I’m feeling ambitious I may even knock out an accent wall before painting! (but let’s not hold our breath to much on that one!)
- Clean & Style for the reveal!
Will I be able to do it all?? Come back next week to find out!
If you are enjoying my content make sure to subscribe to my blog and follow me on Instagram for all of the step my step tutorials and the reveal of this project that is just ONE short week away!!
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