January always hits me like a ton of bricks.
Between coming off of the holiday season, and the kids being more than ready to be back in their normal routine, I’m always itching for a fresh start. This usually comes with motivation to dive into huge projects, declutter and rearrange the house, and make big plans for the new year.
After a lot of reflection, and TONS of therapy sessions I’ve realized this is my coping mechanism for a deep rooted trigger.
You see, every January we experience a HUGE shift in our family dynamic. And that’s where the bricks come in.
January, every year, begins my 4 month solo parenting journey.
If you’ve been around here for a while, this isn’t unfamiliar territory-as I’ve always been open and honest about the struggles that I have in this area. But at the same point, it’s also an area that I know well.
You see, my husband is a tax guy. He owns one of the busiest tax practices in Indiana. 16 hour days, seven days a week for multiple months in a row. Is a life that our family has become accustomed to.
But if you put two and two together, you know very well that we don’t live in Indiana anymore. A year and a half ago we moved to Phoenix Arizona but with my husband still owning a business in Indiana, there is a LOT of traveling back and forth on top of the usually long days.
Tommy is officially back in Indiana for tax season and while I usually dive into a million projects to numb the reality of solo parenting.. this year i’m after something different
This year I’m manifesting PEACE.
Accepting my circumstances with a different perspective, and becoming the best version of myself.
Because of this, life lately has been slow and intentional, filled with routine and self care.
I even took an extra week off of work at the beginning of the year to help my brain mentally adjust to the change.
Another change I’m determined to make this year is NOT taking on massive project after massive project.
I need more instant gratification to help keep my spirits up so i’ll be tackling lots of small things that I’ve been avoiding to make this house feel more peaceful.
I am also putting a huge focus on a morning and evening self care routine, daily movement, and increasing my protein intake to make sure Im filling my own cup before pouring into my kids and my work.
Three weeks in and I can already feel a massive difference in my mental, physical and emotional health.
This year is going to look a bit different around here, but I am so SO glad to have you along for the ride, no matter what life or projects are thrown my way.
The Comments
Cheers to you and your new adventure! It’s good to slow down and listen to our souls. Looking forward to what’s to come!
Melissa Wood
Loving this new newsletter.