I like to consider myself a connoisseur of sorts in the art of purging & organizing. Even then, I find so much value in asking for others’ tips and tricks as well.
The other week I did just that, and guess what? You guys came up with a TON of amazing ideas!
In fact, there were SO many ideas that I decided I needed to break it down into 3 separate posts instead of just one.
No matter if you are a seasoned organizer or a little hesitant to start, this post will definitely give you the push to try something new.

One of the biggest dilemmas that people face when it comes to organizing is figuring out where to begin.
Because let’s face it, organizing is tedious and overwhelming!!
How in the world do we figure out what stays and what goes?
The tips that you all shared with me ended up fitting into 3 primary categories: Mindset, Tradeoffs, and Techniques. In the content below I’m breaking down the MINDSET category then sharing your ideas!
Keep in mind that this post is MEATY! Meaning there are a LOT of ideas.
The goal isn’t to try ALL of these ideas but to find one specific thing that resonates with you and then give it a try!
I definitely see something on this list that I’m going to try this month for the first time. I would love for you to read the ideas below and then share your favorite in the comment section of this post!
Related: 7 Home Organizing Mistakes You are Making Right Now
How to have the right mindset FOR ORGANIZING
Having the right mindset for purging & organizing revolves around things we tell ourselves or questions we ask. Some could even be considered a “mantra” of sorts.
I also love what my friend Stacie shared, “Ask someone to cheer you on in. Even if it seems silly.”
So buckle up, grab yourself a cheerleader and let’s dive into some of the mindset changes you shared with me this week.
Mindsets involving a timeline
A timeline is a great way to decide whether or not to keep something. Here are a few options to consider when it comes to keeping or purging something:
- “I use a 90/90 rule. Have I used the item in the last 90 days? Will I use it in the next 90?” If not then get rid of it.
- “I have a (90 day – 6 month – 1 year rule). If I haven’t/won’t wear it or use it in that time frame it goes.”
- “If I put this on Facebook marketplace and it doesn’t sell in a week, I have to get rid of it.”
- “I can’t think about what I’m getting rid of. I have to (temporarily) detach myself and put it in a garbage bag and never look back.
- “I like to set a timer when I organize. Do a little. Then take a break so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.”
Maybe a simple mantra that you can repeat over and over will resonate with you. Here are some ideas if you are the type who likes repetitive affirmation.
- “Just because I spent money on something doesn’t mean it’s serving me.”
- “Don’t be afraid to throw something away if it truly won’t be useful for someone.”
- “Let go of that which does not serve you.”
- Relating more to general clutter: “Don’t put it down, Put it away.”
- “The true cost of anything is how much life you exchange for it.”
- The first step in creating a life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t.”
MINDSET Questions to consider
Asking questions was by far the hottest topic shared when it comes to a mindset change. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are considering getting rid of an item:
- Does this remind me of bad memories? Did I get it from someone who I now don’t have a relationship with?
- Purging with the thought: “Do I want to pay movers to move this when I leave this place?”
- “Will my kids really want this? Who am I saving this for?”
- I organize when my anxiety finally takes over. So I ask myself, “Is this item going to cause me to have anxiety later?”
- “Does this make my life simpler?”
- About clothing: “Do I have a specific piece to go with it? Do I feel confident in it?
- “Is this a family heirloom?”
- “Is it useful? Do I use it? Is this worth the space (mentally or physically) that it occupies?”
- About gifts: ‘Do I actually like this? Or am I keeping it to not hurt someone’s feelings?’
- ‘What would I do without it?’
- “If this was in storage would I even miss it?’
That’s it! All 23 of your amazing ideas for having the right mindset for organizing. All in one place!
I’m definitely going to be asking myself the questions in relation to clothing.
I would love to hear what you are going to try in the comments below!
Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series!
The Comments
Giulia Nagel
Just going through this with my husband. He has lots of clothes that he says he wears once or twice a year. He says he rotates through his stuff. Any thoughts on minimizing his once or twice a year west???
Miriam Rudy
Love all your ideas!!! And YES to a year of less!! Have a new grand baby that’s 5 months! So I need to slow down and enjoy life!!! Thanks for the wonderful suggestions!